Sunday morning we woke up to snow at the house. The clouds break and we were able to go out with the doggies (Nut and Ella) aka Nutella for a winter wonderland walk. The stillness is eary and the cold bitter. Wrapped up though its so energetic to get out in the outside and enjoy nature.

Its a cold walk through the woods, across the stream which is flowing fast today. The dogs take a leap of faith and make it across. Their tiny feet must be frezzing but they dont stop. The Snow thickens as we walk up through the trees and the crisp white landscape.
The cabin in view we climb to the top and take in the beautiful mountains. We rest for a few minutes, catch our breath. The children play in the snow and try to make a sledge, and eventually race each other rolypoly style down the hill. Our presence attracts the wildlife searching for some food, Bobby Robin lands on a branch near us. We leave him a few crumbs from our goute for the children, and I can see the smile of thanks on his little face.

It doesn’t take as long to get home. Its all downhill, and we are picturing the fire in the front room warming up our toes! Tomorrow the scene will be different, the sun is returning and the snow will melt away for another day.